ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Zande People, Secularism, Stateless Society

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Religion a powerful worldview, ideas and practices that postualate relaity beyond that which is immediately available to the senses, frequently modeled on society (societal metaphors) Secularism a worldview that believes in the separation of religion and state, including a notion of secular citizenship that owes much to the notion of individual agency developed in protestant theology. Power the ability to transform, to choose, transformative capacity; ability to transform a given situation social power the transformative capacity of ppl in organized social groups individual agency the tranformative capacity of individual human beings. Power of state domination, ideology (worldview that justifies the social arrangements under which ppl live), hegemony (persuasive power), governmentality and bio power. Biopower a form of power preoccupied with bodies--- the bodies of citizens and the social body itself. Governmentality art of governing appropriate to promoting the welfare of populations within a state.