ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parallel And Cross Cousins, Nuclear Family, Pastoralism

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31 Jul 2019

Document Summary

True or false: in the us, divorce has had the effect of enmeshing nuclear families in larger systems of kinship, complicating definitions of the "independent nuclear family. The dominant kinship system of the us is most similar to that of: the hopi, the yanomamo, the eskimo (inuit), the crow, the nuer, the eskimo (inuit). The nuclear family is an adaptation to: warfare, pastoralism, horticulture, industrialization, globalization, industrialization. True or false: an accurate term to describe divorce and remarriage in the us and elsewhere is serial monogamy. True or false: all societies have the same rules for sexual access, marriage, infant care, post-marital residence, kinship, labor, and rights and obligations between generations. Traditionally in korean villages, the eldest son inherited most of his parents" property. True or false: monogamy often coexists with polygamy in the same society. True or false: the most important male in hopi society is the father.