EPI 390 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pollution, Attributable Risk

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15 Jul 2019

Document Summary

Epi 390 lecture 38 death rate estimate of the portion of a population that dies during a specified period. Effect modification is detected by varying the selected effect measure for the factor under study across levels of another factor environment all that which is external to the individual human host. It is the attributable difference (attributable risk ) divided by the incidence rate in the group. If the association is causal, this is also the proportion by which the incidence rate would be reduced if the exposure were eliminated. Proximity and for contact with a source of a disease agent in such a manner that effective transmission of the agent or harmful effects of the agent may occur. The amount of a factor to which a group or individual was exposed; sometimes contrasted with dose, the amount that enters or interacts with the organism. Exposures may of course be beneficial rather than harmful, e. g. , exposure to immunizing agents.