MMG 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Animalcule, Protozoa, Microorganism

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Mmg 301 lecture 45 scientific contributions of leeuwenhoek. First makeshift simple microscope and saw little animalcules (microorganisms) six categories of microorganisms. Prokaryotic--unicellualr microorganism that lacks a nucleus (bacteria and archaea) Eukaryotic--any organism made up of cells containing a nucleus composed of genetic material surrounded by a distinct membrane; (animals, plants, algae, fungi, protozoa). List and answer the four questions that propelled research in what is called the. Gram"s stain: involved applications of series of dyes and chemicals. Compare and contrast the investigations of redi, needham, spallanzani, and. Redi"s experiment: shen decaying meat was kept isolated from flies, maggots never developed; meat exposed to flies was soon infested. Needham"s experiments: thought microbes, not animals, could arise spontaneously; boiled beef gravy etc and tightly sealed with corks, days later vials were cloudy; thought it was "life force" Spallanzani"s experiments: (needham didn"t heat gravy sufficiently to kill microbes), microorganisms exist in air and contaminate experiments.