MMG 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Koch'S Postulates, Micrograph, Sewage Treatment

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Gram"s stain: involved applications of series of dyes and chemicals. Identify four health care practitioners who did pioneering research in the areas of public health microbiology and epidemiology. Semmelweis: hand washing (cadavers to delivering babies; chlorinated lime water prevented) Lister: antiseptic technique (spraying wounds, incising, etc with carbolic acid) Snow: infection control and epidemiology (public hygiene, problems stemmed from public water supply, sewage treatment, pure water) Jenner: vaccine, field of immunology (cowpox to cause immunity to smallpox) Ehrlich: "magic bullets" field of chemotherapy (study of how to destroy pathogens while remaining nontoxic to humans) Name two scientists whose work with vaccines began the field of immunology. Describe the term "magic bullet" as it applies to microbiology and ehrlich"s quest for its discovery. idea that some chemicals could destroy pathogens while remaining nontoxic to humans. List and describe the four major questions that drive microbiological investigations today. What are the basic chemical reactions of life? biochemistry (buchner and pasteur)