PHY 215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Microcanonical Ensemble, Particle Number, Canonical Ensemble

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What is the incremental change in internal energy de in terms of p, s, t, v,? de = t ds - p dv. What is the partial change in free energy (df) in terms of p, s, t, v,? df = - s dt - p dv. An overall characteristic of a system ex -> t or p. All possible states where particle number n, volume v, and temperature t (assumed to be connected to vast heat bath) are fixed. All possible states where particle number n, volume v, and energy e are fixed. What is the probability that a system being in a state i given temperature t, and all possible energy state e_j p_i = e^(e_i ) / ( _j e^(e_j ) ) = e^(e_i ) /z, = 1/kt. Given a property x and all possible energy states e_j, what is the expectation value. = ( _j x_j e^(-e_j )) /z, = 1/kt.