PHY 215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pressure Measurement, Alternating Current, Ohmmeter

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Energy(j) = 1/2 x mass(kg) x velocity(m/s) (ek = 1/2mv^2) A pendulum with a mass of 0. 2kg is pulled back so it is 0. 1m above its rest position. Calculate the speed of the pendulum at its lowest point. Pressure(pa) = force(n) / area (m ) (p = f/a) Pressure is directly proportional to temperature in kelvins. How do you convert from degrees to kelvins? k-d take away 273 d-k add 273. What is the formula for volume and temperature. What is the general gas equation? (v1xp1)/t1 = (v2xp2)/t2. At high temperatures, particles have lots of kinetic energy. This causes many collisions with the container"s walls, hence increasing the pressure. A container with a large volume has more distance between each wall. This causes fewer collisions and hence a lower pressure. A container with a small volume will therefore have a high pressure due to more collisions.