SCM 371 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Supplier Relationship Management, Operations Management, Containerization

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Supply chain management is the ef cient integration of suppliers, manufacturers, transporters, warehouses, retailers, and all other parties associated with delivery of the nal product. Starting from the raw materials you acquired from the supplier up to the point where the. Buy it = procurement: the process of obtaining services, suppliers, and equipment in conformance with corporate regulations. Ex. supplier selection, purchasing negotiations, supplier relationship management, make vs. buy decisions. Make it = operations management: design, operations, and improvement of. Production systems that ef ciently transform inputs into nished goods and services, maximizing productivity. Ex. facility location decisions, capacity planning resources, speed, scheduling jobs/ people. Move it = logistics: the coordinated planning and execution of the following: Ex. distribution/warehousing, infrastructure management, packaging, containerization, transportation, documentation, third party management, and communication. Buy it (procurement), make it (operations management), move it (logistics)