ZOL 355 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cooperative Breeding, Negative Frequency, Adaptation

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7 Nov 2014

Document Summary

Important definitions (understand the meaning of these terms): The number of offspring contributed by an individual relative to the number of offspring produced by other members of the population (ultimately defined as the relative genetic contribution of individuals to future generations) (p. 85) A social system characterized by selective breeding with allomaternal behavior; where helpers provide care for offspring produced by breeding group members (online) Overall fitness determined by the survival and reproduction of an individual, plus the survival and reproduction of genetic relatives of the individual (p. 185) Highly specialized sociality generally including individuals of more than one generation living together, cooperative care of young, and division of individuals into sterile (non-reproductive) and reproductive roles (p. 184) Reproductive success varies among individuals, reflecting selection for particular traits (notes) Inter-: members of one sex choosing mates of the opposite sex with a particular trait.