BIO 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Myelin, Saltatory Conduction, Exocytosis

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Document Summary

Initial: axon hillock, voltage gated na channels and voltage gated k channels: conductive: axons and branches telodendria, contains voltage gated na and k channels, transmissive: synaptic knobs with voltage gated ca channels and ca pumps. Ipsp: neurotransmitter crosses synaptic cleft and binds to chem gated k or cl channel, depends on neurotransmitter and channels present, neurotransmitter binds to k and k leaves neuron and causes more cell. If binds to cl, cl goes into cell and causes more cell. 300 vesicles released per action potential, neurotransmitter diffuses across cleft between synaptic know and cell to be stimulated, binds to specific cellular protein receptors of another neuron or effector organ, exocytosis of neurotransmitter facilitated by proteins. K voltage channels to open causing repolarization: self-propagating and maintains intensity as long as it moves along axon to synaptic knob, all or none law,