PSIO 532 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pr Interval, T Wave, Sinoatrial Node

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12 May 2018
Graduate Physiology PSL
ECG Waves
Name the parts of a typical bipolar (Lead II) ECG tracing and explain the relationship
between each waves, intervals and segments in relation to the electrical state of the
P wave represents atrial depolarization there is
little muscle in the atrium so the deflection is small
(SA nodes fire send signals to the right atrial
contractile cells causing the right atria to contract
Q wave represents depolarization at the bundle of
His and septal depolarization, again, this is small as
there is little muscle there
R wave represents the main spread of
depolarization, from the inside out, through the base
of the ventricles (going towards the apex); this involves large amounts of muscle so the
deflection is large; the R wave is the most widely used waveform; R-R interval; any
initial rise regarding ventricular contraction will be called the R-wave
S wave shows the subsequent depolarization of the rest of the ventricles upwards
from the apex of the heart (going from apex to base) squeezing the blood out of the
ventricles; this part of the STILL indicates depolarization
T wave represents repolarization of the myocardium after systole is complete; this is a
relatively slow process hence the smooth curved deflection; it’s a repolarization
because the ions are moving in the opposite direction
Intervals are very important in demonstrating how different parts of the heart are talking to
each other.
PR interval
o Represents P wave plus the P-R segment
o Normal duration: 0.12-0.20 sec
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