HL - Health HL 111 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sympathetic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Cerebral Cortex

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What are the three stages of gas: alarm phase, resistance phase, exhaustion phase. What are the body"s physical responses to the three stages of gas: alarm phase: flight or fight response, cerebral cortex triggers the autonomic nervous system (ans), heart rate goes up, breathing changes. Stress hormones are released by the sympathetic nervous system which preps the body to fight or flee. The hypothalamus releases adrenaline while the pituitary gland releases cortisol. The body returns to allostasis or balance at this point. Cortisol may remain and over time cause an autoimmune deficiency. Example: you"re walking home alone in the dark and hear footsteps behind you. You start to rush and start feeling scared. Your heart beats faster and you feel energized by a rush of adrenaline prepping your body to either fight an attacker or flee: you rush to your front door and lock the door behind you. Although you are now safe, your heart"s still beating faster.