PSYC 3402 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Empathic Concern, Pluralistic Ignorance, Situation Two

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The bystander effect: the effect whereby the presence of others inhibits helping: there are five steps in determining if someone is going to help, noticing - the presence of others can be distracting. Altruism: the practice of concern for the welfare of others. Specifically, the motivation for acts which reflect an unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Such behavior may be costly or dangerous to the helper. The helper does not expect to receive material or social reward for the action. Prosocial behavior: behavior intended to help others. Therapists help people but receive money in return. Vital for social groups to succeed, especially in the care when their goal is to flourish wholly rather than partially. A group that flourishes in the sense of the whole as opposed to a group that flourishes as the sum of its parts - ex: military vs. corporation.