SESP 203 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Metatheory, American Psychological Association, Paul Baltes

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Document Summary

Development is divided into two major phases: early and late. Four controversies in human development: nature vs. nurture, stability vs. change, continuity vs. discontinuity, universal vs. context specific flesh out theories explanatory power provide constructs. 3. contextual metaphor: stairs (nature) example: erikson, vaillant metaphor: matryoshka dolls example: brofenbrenner operationalize theories and models iterative process: feedback to theory and models metaphor: machine, (ex: computer) (nurture) example: skinner. Explains impact of environmental forces and their forces. Includes range of influences and complexity of systems. Doesn"t consider the psychology of the person (personality, motivations, aspirations, values) People rather than events scope is so large, how to capture everything into all the systems empirical article - the findings are supported. Identity contingency: situational, social roles/identities (ex: race, gender, orientation, age, ethnicity, health status) Identity threat: people consciously or unconsciously worry their performance may confirm stereotypes. Simple interventions can be down to sometimes alleviate the stereotype threat anxiety affects working memory.