BIOL 3500- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 120 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Autoimmune disease causing large blisters that burst but heals. Autoimmune disease causing blistering that does not heal. Cause: toxins disrupt zonula occludens causing water loss in tight junctions. Single layer of cube shaped cells making most of cytoplasm. Single layer of cells that have height in cytoplasm. Pyramidal shaped cells that don"t reach the surface. To be stem cell for this type of epithelium. Long microvilli that is rigid with an actin core. Multiple layers of flat cells from basal to superficial layer. Multiple layers of flat cells from basal to superficial layer covered by dead layer. Eumelanin (dark skin) or pheomelanin (light skin) Placement of melanin (light = nucleus; dark = everywhere) True or false: the amount of melanocytes is what determines darkness of skin. False = production of melanin by the melanocytes determines skin darkness. True or false: langerhans cells decrease when exposed to uv light. Large ducts in sweat glands & salivary glands.