ANTHROP 2200H Study Guide - Final Guide: Fictive Kinship, Verbosity, Core Countries

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Individuals are agents of change and source of cultural information: explain the focus of psychological anthropology. Create taxonomies; make binary contrasts; order phenomena; use logical operators; Plan for the future; understand what the world is about; concept of self or person; Universal: long period of dependence; rapid learning; personality traits from interaction between genetics, environment and culture; Culturally dependent: adherence to cultural norms; what adults expect of children; parental responsiveness to infants and baby-holding; parent-child play; parental acceptance and rejection of children; compliance or assertiveness; attitudes towards aggression; task assignment; schooling. Give some examples of variations in the concept of gender that we discussed. No, cultures worldwide (cid:862)build in(cid:863) roles for different gender expressions. Concept of (cid:862)two spirit(cid:863): masculine men, feminine men, masculine women, feminine women (indigenous north american); hijra: a third gender (india); (cid:862)ladyboys(cid:863): a third gender (thailand: explain male and female reproductive strategies.