ANTHROP 2200H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Unilineal Evolution, Emic And Etic, Pastoralism

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Unilineal evolutionism: all human ways of life pass through a similar sequence of stages in their development, e. b. Savagery lead to barbarianism which led to civilization. Historical particularism: all cultures are unique products of their own historical development, holistic approach, cultural relativism (look at cultures in their own context, franz boas. Functionalism: cultural features of a group are explained by the functions they perform (ex: religion, bronislaw malinowski and a. r. Cultural ecology: culture functioned as an adaptation to one"s environment, julian steward. Sociobiology: scientific approach, humans are subjected to similar evolutionary forces as other animals, natural selection. Cultural materialism: scientific approach, cultural differences and similarities are determined by technology, environment, and how people produce and distribute resources, marvin harris. Interpretive anthropology: humanistic approach, analyzes cultural elements by their meaning to people and understanding them in their local context, no generalizations are possible, clifford geertz.