ANTHROP 2200H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ape, Allopatric Speciation, Relative Dating

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Define functional adaptations and be able to provide some examples. Chapter 5: biology in the present: living people. Skin color adaptation is based on a balance between two main factors. Chapter 6: biology in the present: the other living primates. Discuss the differences between pre-mating and post-mating reproductive isolating mechanisms. Differentiate between allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation. Define adaptive radiation and provide two examples of this natural process. Provide some examples of each type of rim. Compare and contrast male and female reproductive strategies in terms of cooperation and competition. Give examples of primate species that are associated with each of these six types. Discuss the reproductive (life history) strategies associated with primates. Chapter 7: fossils and their place in time and ature. Discuss the techniques used in reconstructing past environments and habitats. Focus specifically on techniques for reconstructing past climates (temperature) and dietary patterns. Chapter 8: primate origins and evolution: the first 50,000,000 years.