CSE 2221 Midterm: CSE 2421 Exam Review 2

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Production orientation: companies are trying to produce the most for the least, henry ford developed model t, literally put the world on wheels, figured out a way to produce this car efficiently, made it affordable. Product orientation: producer thinks they know what is better for customers, want to tell the customer what to do, both of these are producer oriented. Selling orientation: need to make people buy product, advertising, etc. Beginners mistake: not going to work, competitors are doing the same thing, american hospitals started out doing this. Product development: most expensive, when the idea becomes an actual product. Test marketing: only test that actually takes place in the real world, optional. Brands/branding: know the different types of brands. Just a way to get on your good side, make their brand more visible/favorable. Marketing to consumers: very large number of very small customers spread out everywhere.