SOCIOL 1101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism, The Power Elite, The Sociological Imagination

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Document Summary

Sociology: study of the dynamic relationship between individual people and social systems and their influence on human behavior and social life: defined more by its perspective and way of looking at topics (sociological imagination) Social problems caused by flaws in the individual character. Society = individual people: can lead to social isolation. Easy to think social problems are caused by individual flaws. Encourages us to explain the world based on what goes on inside individuals. Society = individuals who make it up: but ignores difference between individuals and social relationships and forms boundaries. Sociology suggests that society is more than the sum of individual people: have profound influences on individuals, collections of statuses, roles, and shared ideas (norms and values) that tie these statuses and roles together into relationships. Shared ideas and tells us how to carry out specific roles. Individuals make social structures happen--our lives are shaped by socialization and social control (it"s an ongoing cycle)