SOCIOL 3487- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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Soc 3487: what do we mean by research methods? . Lecture: june 21: research = investigation, method = systematic procedure, research methods = procedures used to accomplish an investigation into a topic. What is social research: study of society conducted by social scientists, follows a systematic plan, includes attitudes, behaviors, interactions and characteristics of people, social research methods = procedures used to accomplish a systematic investigation into a social topic. Is social science actually science: yes but not always straightforward, no universal laws, most of the things studied cannot be replicated in labs. Soc 3487: what is it like to experience depression, quantitative, how many people suffer from clinical depression in the usa. Soc 3487: measurement of variables/concepts, indicators stand in for a variable, example, variable = academic achievement, to operationalize, we can come up with an indicator which can be measured.