SOCIOL 4511 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: National Crime Victimization Survey, Parens Patriae, Social Disorganization Theory

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Exam 1 review guide: chapters 1 5. Ego identity = formed when youths develop a firm sense of who they are and what they stand for. Chronic juvenile offenders = have been arrested four or more times. Paternalistic family = father has complete control over household. English apprenticeship = boys placed in household where they could learn skilled trade. Poor laws = placed poor/neglected children as servants or apprentices in other households. Factory act = limited hours children allowed to work and age when they could begin to work. Parens patriae = the power of the state to act on behalf of the child and provide care and protection equivalent to that of a parent. Child savers = developed programs for troubled youth and influenced legislation creating the juvenile justice system. Minor child = most commonly 17 and younger. Waiver = transferring legal jurisdiction over the most serious and experienced juvenile offenders to the adult court for criminal prosecution.