COMS 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subjective Constancy, Nonverbal Communication, Active Listening

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Communication the process of using messages to generate meaning. Message: verbal/nonverbal form of an idea, thought, or feeling that one person (the source) wishes to communicate to a person/group (receiver). Feedback: the receiver"s verbal/nonverbal responses to source"s message. Code: systematic arrangement of symbols to create meaning in the mind of others. Encoding and decoding: process of translating something into code-process of assigning meaning to that idea or thought. Noise: any interference in encoding/decoding that reduces the clarity of the message. Interpersonal communication the process of using messages to generate meaning between 2+ that allows for speaking and listening. Public communication process of using messages to generate meaning in situations such as: speaker-to-audience who give nonverbal/ q-and-a feedback. Mass communication process of using messages to generate meaning in a mediated system between a source and a large number of unseen receivers. Media convergence technology unifying what were separate channels of communication. Asynchronous communication when there is a small/substantial delay in interaction.