GEOG 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nimby, Love Canal, Procedural Justice

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Urban growth: cities may be more efficient industry: human: people as laborers xi. Built: buildings, factories and machinery that people make xiii. Carrying capacity: the population that can be supported indefinitely by its supporting systems xiv. Equity: fairness, whether all people in the community have similar rights, opportunities and access to community capital xv. Gypsy moths can kill forest systems already stressed by drought, especially oak forest and then maples grow in their place: as the oak forest transitions to maple, deer populations diminish xi. Resilience: an ability to return to their previous condition after disturbance: state shift: conditions do not return to normal xi. Energy photosynthesis producers (grass, tree leaves, etc. ) The clay liner in the ground that was holding the toxins breached and the chemicals migrated to nearby housing. In 1970, oil contaminated with dioxin was illegally sprayed on gravel roads by an old man who ran his own company.