CS 162 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Standard Template Library, Linked List, Universally Unique Identifier

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Form 1 (put name, form, and section number on scantron!!!) T maxvalue(const t value1, const t value2) if (value1 > value2) return value1; else return value2; // use push_back to put 10 values into vec here. vector::iterator itr1, itr2,itr3; itr1 = vec. begin(); itr2 = vec. begin() + 5; For this iterator which of the following is incorrect: *iter1, itr2[3, itr2 + 5, b and c, q p r s. Which statements are executed after statement2 is executed: statement2, statement5, statement1, statement4, statement3. Given the following classes, answer #35 and #36. class b { public: ~b() { cout << b; class a: public b { public: ~a() { cout << a: what is the output of the following code? int main() { A a; return 0: a, aa, ba, b, ab, what is the output of the following code? int main() {