KINES 421 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Occipital Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Frontal Lobe

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7 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Kines 421 exercise psychology review for examination #3. Class lecture information is mostly derived from the textbook and article assignments. Remember, there are no drops for this exam everyone is required to take exam #3. Exam questions will be developed from the following information (note, content with a * is a viable topic for a short answer question on the graduate and undergraduate exams): Intelligence tests: understand hierarchy of bloom"s cognitive taxonomy, analyze, evaluate and create are high in the hierarchy. **equivocal: evidence for and against: comparing acute and chronic x studies, variety of measures of cognitive functioning, variation in when cognitive processing was assessed relative to ex itself (before, during and after. Exercise and anxiety segment by nonclinical and clinical aspects: understand affect, emotions, and mood and their differences and relationships among each other, affect, generic term covering broad range of feelings and encompasses emotions and mood, emotions.