SLHS 22700 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Verb, Bound And Unbound Morphemes, Phrase Structure Rules

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Slhs227/ling201: study guide for exam 1: chs 1-3. What is onomatopoeia? words that are formed to sound like what they are describing. Prescriptive: using grammar rules, how people should speak. Universal grammar: innate principles of language that apply to all languages. Sign languages exhibit the same basic principles of spoken language, but convey ideas through visual rather than auditory cues the same rules and stages for language acquisition apply to sign language. What are the differences between human and animal languages"? discreetness (discrete units [sounds, words, phrases] that are combined according to the rules of grammar) , creativity, displacement (capacity to talk about things outside of here and now), meaning. Can animals produce human-like sounds? yes, but this doesn"t indicate that they have acquired human language. Do they understand that words and utterances have structure? no, they don"t associate true meaning with the words/phrases, but rather just associate the sounds with an act/object.