SLHS 22700 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thematic Relation, Deixis, Ditransitive Verb

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You need to be able to identify it. when at least one word in the phrase has more than one meaning (ex: this will make you smart. Smart" = clever and feeling a burning sensation) What are some of the difficulties for the semantic feature approach to word meanings? when you can"t really describe or define something in another language without using the word (describing abstract" without saying abstract) Thematic roles: you need to be able to identify thematic roles of verb arguments. Entailment and implicature: know what is entailed and what is implied entailment: if one sentence is true you can infer that another sentence is true implicature: not being explicit or literal, opposite of entailment. Meaning of non-literal expressions: you need to be able to identify indirect requests, idioms, and metaphors. The conceptual mapping hypothesis proposes that metaphors are very common and we often do not realize that day to day expressions are metaphorical.