PS 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neurotransmission, Explicit Memory, Confirmation Bias

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This list includes major concepts and terms that may appear on the exam. This list is not exhaustive of everything that will be on the exam but should help focus your studying. Please refer to material covered in lectures, films, in class activities, discussions, textbook readings and required supplemental. Theory: a systematic way of organizing and explaining observations. Includes set of statements about the relations among various phenomena. Hypothesis: a tentative belief, or an educated guess that tries to predict of explain the relationship between variables. Are applied uniformly to participants to minimize unintended variation. For research to be effective, subjects need to be treated in the same was as much as possible. Sample: research studies from a limited portion of the entire population, represents everyone in the entire population. Population: a group of people or animals of interest to a researcher from which a sample is drawn.