33:522:334 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deontological Ethics, Egotism, Philip Hallie

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Document Summary

We have covered a great deal of information (thousands of years of ideas) in a very short period of time, and it is now time to test our understanding of the foundations of ethics, particularly related to micro-decision making. We have started our introduction into macro-ethics, and we will continue to review this material over the next few weeks. I look forward to discussing stakeholder theory, csr, market based ethics, and the market failure approach to business ethics. We will use the information learned thus far, and apply this body of knowledge to our hbs and ivory cases from here forward. Once again if you kept up with the readings, attended lectures, and watched the videos than kudos to you. Considering the breadth of information covered, i have provided you a study guide. Below is a list of subjects that you need to know for the exam.