01:202:304 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scottsboro Boys, Jury Trial, Petit Jury

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Constitutional issues in criminal justice: quiz 3 review sheet. Sixth amendment: right to have a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, confronted with the witness, obtaining witness in favor, assistance of counsel. Right to counsel: if the defendant is unable to hire an attorney, one attorney has to be appointed for him whether requested or not. Test for ineffective assistance of counsel: two-part test for an ineffective assistance of counsel claim. Counsel"s performance fell below an objective standard for reasonableness and 2. That counsel"s performance gives rise to a reasonable probability that if counsel had performed adequately, the results would have been different. Scottsboro boys: in 1932, this case demonstrated special circumstances that required court appointed lawyers, as they were facing death penalty in an unfair trial. About 75% criminal cases use public defense. . 5 billion spent annually on criminal justice system, only 1-2% goes to public defense. Other states have county to county jurisdiction.