01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Occipital Lobe, Akinetopsia, Posterior Parietal Cortex

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Class 15 - vision disorders, temporal lobes 1. Know what the effect for the visual field is of lesions along the optic tract. Hemianop(s)ia is blindness in one side of the visual field. Akinetopsia is damage to v5 (or mt) area that looks at motion. Symptoms include the inability to identify objects in motion would see still frames . Thought to be the result of injury (stroke) to v5 on both sides as a result of a vascular abnormality. Achromatopsia is the los of ability to detect color (not the same as color blindness) Thought to be a problem in v4. This disorder is pretty rare because you have 2 v4 areas and it"s rare that both sides would symmetrically be damaged however, you can have hemichromotopsia, which is loss of color on only one visual field. Hearing & temporal lobes: know the anatomy of the outer, middle and inner ear, be able to identify ear drum, oval window, cochlea.