01:830:331 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thyroid, Reticular Formation, Dental Caries

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__________ reveal(s) that during infancy and childhood, the typical girl is just slightly shorter and lighter than the typical boy. Correct answer: infancy and adolescence are periods of rapid growth. By high school, _____ percent of u. s. students take any physical education classes, compared with _____ percent of canadian students. In most industrialized nations, secular trends show that. Your answer: overweight and obesity have contributed to earlier first menstruation over the past 150 years. Correct answer: sexual maturation is controlled by pituitary secretions that stimulate the release of sex hormones. Correct answer: cartilage cells begin to harden into bone in the sixth week of pregnancy. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland prompt the thyroid gland to release. The temporary breast enlargement that occurs in some boys can be attributed to the release of. Throughout childhood, __________ are produced at the growth plates of the.