01:830:333 Study Guide - Risky Sexual Behavior, Root Mean Square, Acculturation

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Chapter 12: culture (skip media and technology section) Adolescent development; dickson, f09: recognize the key features of culture as described by belkin. (be able to answer a question like: which of the following is not a feature of culture as described by. Culture is made up of ideals, values, and assumptions about life that guide people"s behaviors. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, with the responsibility for transmission resting on the shoulders of parents, teachers, and community leaders. Culture"s influence often becomes noticed the most in well-meaning clashes between people from very different cultural backgrounds. When their cultural values are violated or when their cultural expectations are ignored people react emotionally. Assimilation individuals relinquish their cultural identity and move into the larger society. Go mainstream or join the melting pot. Acculturation cultural change that results from continuous, firsthand contact between two distinctive cultural groups. Can be member of culture while still being identified as part of a minority culture.