01:830:377 Final: HEALTH FINAL.doc

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Outline of major topics and guide for review for final exam: key topics from before the midterm (about 20 questions) Introduction to health psychology: changes in patterns of health and medicine, things done by the public (especially the government) whether we as individuals, decline of infectious diseases since 1900s. 1. public health measures: involves collective behavior, ex. Food & water regulations: medical advances do anything or not. B health threat leads to: problem representation: identity, cause, timeline, coping: determined action, outcome appraisal: based on goals. Positive open model; negative hard to measure. Stress i: physiologic approaches: cannon: fight or flight, threatening event sympathetic of autonomic nervous system epinephrine / norepinephrine (stress hormones) raise in heart rate, blood pressure, quicker breathing. Increased susceptibility to various diseases (chronic activation causes this: mason [compares theory to selyes, homeostasis predicts specificity, different stressors : different responses, psychological causation = threat perception, uncertainty, emotional response, explains why. Gas is elicited non specifically by different stressors.