AFRAS 170A Study Guide - Final Guide: Robert E. Lee, Frances Harper, Stono Rebellion

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1 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Study guide covers chapters 7-11; asante chapter 4-5; obiter dictum of the dred scott case (handout on bb); david walkers. Americans or allowed them to attend only at certain times: had to sit in segregated sections in churches and theaters, lived in segregated neighborhoods, quality of the housing varied, unheated shacks and shanties, dirt-floored basements. Chapter 8: opposition to slavery: *american colonization society, an organization founded in washington dc (1816-1912) by prominent slaveholders, claimed to encourage the ultimate abolition of slavery by sending african. Americans to its west african colony of liberia: goals, proposed to abolish slavery in the us by giving slaveholders financial compensation for giving up their human property, proposed to send former slaves and free african americans back to. Africa: still became apart of the benevolent empire, greatest support came from the upper south, anti-slavery societies, quakers: realized slaveholding contradicted their belief in spiritual equality, richard allen & absalom jones.