SWORK 350 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dominant Minority, Ethnocentrism

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4 May 2018
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Chapter 3
The Development of Dominant-Minority Group Relations in Pre-
Industrial America: The Origins of Slavery!
-key feature of paternalism !
there is a low rate of over conflict !
slavery is a caste system and that is because of a closed stratification system !
important factor is the dominant minority roles is the contact !
its individual and institutional !
contacts between groups three variables: ethnocentrism (the belief that your race
is superior in comparison to other races), competition, and dierential in power !
abolishinism !
triple jeaporday !
primary, secondary, and tertiary !
-The origins of slavery in america !
in august of 1619, a Dutch ship arrived in colonial Jamestown, Virgina and the
master of the ship needed provisions and oered to trade his only cargo: about 20
black Africans !
In 1619, England and its colonies did not practice slavery, so these first Africans
were probably incorporated into colonial society as indentured servants, contract
laborers who are obligated to serve a master for a specific number of years !
At the end of the indenture, or contract, the servant became a free citizen. !
The position of African indentured servants in the colonies remained ambiguous
for several decades !
in the decades before the dawn of slavery, we know that some African indentured
servants did become free citizens !
It was not until the 1660s that the first laws defining slavery were enacted. In the
century that followed, hundreds of additional laws were passed and by the 1750s
slavery had been clearly defined in law and in custom
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