[EXSC 224] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (98 pages long)

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Document Summary

Principle of complementarity: physiology goes hand-in-hand with anatomy. Physiology uses gradients: ex. ion gradients, potential energy, all types of gradients in the body. Regulate protein function by regulating its shape: ex. Attaching a phosphate group, changing ph, changing temp. Negative feedback regulation is essential to homeostasis: without homeostasis long term, we"re likely to develop some disease or even die. Pathways of the spinal cord: spinocerebellar pathways, dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway, spinothalamic pathways, lateral corticospinal (pyramidal) pathway. Peripheral nervous system (pns) consists of cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Nerves are only present in the pns. Communication lines between the cns and rest of the body. Sensory (afferent division: somatic and visceral sensory nerve fibers, conducts impulses from receptors to the cns. Motor (efferent) division: motor nerve fibers, conducts impulses from the cns to effectors (muscles and glands, contains the somatic ns and autonomic ns. Conducts impulses from the cns to skeletal muscles.