CHAD 168 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mirror Neuron, Heritability, Synaptic Pruning

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Survival of the fittest species as having adaptive or survival value. Ethological theory - behavior must be viewed in a particular context and. Natural biological rhythms to social rhythms - (sleep/wake schedule) that help babies deal with the time-based nature of social interaction. Helps to develop synchrony between caregivers and baby. Babies are attracted to high contrast objects . __________oxytocin______ in adults has been shown to make us focus on faces more as well. Adults speak in shorter sentences and more slowly baby talk . Become attuned to native language by __9__ months. Newborns can discriminate among different odors and tastes and prefer those that adults find pleasant. Prefer mother"s smell and smell of mom"s breastmilk. Taste infants develop food preferences based on what mother"s eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding. No single theory adequately addresses social development. Some theories are better at explaining some aspects of social behavior.