EDSP 161 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Iris Sphincter Muscle, Trochlear Nerve, Trigeminal Nerve

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Xii hypoglossal - list all cranial nerves in order. Olfactory and optic - list the sensory only nerves (no numbers needed) Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, accessory, and hypoglossal - list the motor only nerves. Trigeminal, facial, vestibulocohlear, glossopharyngeal, and vagus - list the nerves that do both motor and sensory function. Cn iii oculomotor - this nerve innervates the upper eyelid muscle and four of the six extrinsic eye muscles innervates sphincter pupillae muscle of iris to make pupil constrict. Contracts cilliary muscles to make lens of eye more spherical - parasympathetic motor function of cn iii. Oculomotor ptosis, paralysis of most eye muscles, diplopia, focusing difficulty - conditions if cn iii oculomotor is damaged. Cn iv trochlear - this nerve innervates 1 extrinsic eye muscle that loops through a pulley shaped ligament paralysis of superior oblique, diplopia - conditions possible if trochlear nerve is damaged. Cn v trigeminal - this nerve consists of 3 divisions: opthalmic (v1) maxillary (v2), and.