BIOL 1260 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Auxin, Keystone Species, Autotroph

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Week 13; Quiz 3
Which of the following best describes a species' niche?
A. With whom it reproduces
B. What it eats
C. Its habitat and how it uses available resources in that habitat
D. Where it lives
E. All of the climatic conditions to which it is adapted
_____ are close interactions between species that have evolved over long periods of time. When these
interactions enhance the reproduction and population growth of both species, they are called _____.
A. Symbioses; consumptions
B. Consumptions; mutualisms
C. Symbioses; mutualisms
D. Mutualisms; symbioses
E. Consumptions; symbioses
Measuring its costs and benefits in terms of energy spent and/or gained, consumption :
A. Is a lose-lose interaction.
B. Results in gain for both individuals.
C. Results in a gain for one individual and a loss for the other.
D. Results in a gain for one individual and neither a gain nor a loss for the other.
E. None of these.
The mutable rainfrog has lovely, smooth skinuntil it is disturbed. When it senses danger, it grows spines that
would make it less likely to be eaten. This is an example of what kind of defense?
A. Constitutive defense
B. Inducible defense
C. Armor
D. Object resemblance
E. Escape behavior
Connell's famous barnacle experiment was initiated to learn more about ________.
A. Character displacement in the color of barnacles
B. Competitive exclusion and distribution of barnacle species
C. How sea-level changes affect barnacle distribution
D. Desiccation resistance and barnacle species
E. Habitat preference in two different species of barnacles
Week 14; Quiz 2
Which of the following is the most likely plant response to an attack by herbivores?
A. Early flowering to reproduce before being eaten
B. Leaf abscission to prevent further loss of tissue
C. Production of chemical compounds for defense or to attract predators of the herbivores
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D. Production of thicker bark and cuticle to make it more difficult to eat
E. Production of physical defenses, such as thorns
When an arborist prunes a limb off a valuable tree, he or she may paint the cut surface with a nontoxic sealant.
The primary purpose of the paint is to ________.
A. Prevent herbivory at the wound
B. Minimize water loss by evaporation from the cut surface
C. Stimulate growth of the cork cambium to heal the wound
D. Block entry of pathogens through the wound
E. Induce the production of proteinase inhibitors
Young rapidly growing plants often produce only low quantities of secondary metabolites, while more mature
plants produce larger quantities. Why is this?
A. Young plants are less vulnerable to herbivory than older plants
B. Young plants invest most of their energy in growth to light and soil nutrients at the risk of herbivore
C. Producing secondary metabolites takes time and they can only build to high levels in older plants
D. Specialist vacuoles for safe storage of secondary metabolite occur only in older plant tissues
African and Asian farmers plant chillies around their crops to deter elephants. Capsaicin produced by chilli plants is
an example of which kind of secondary metabolite?
A. A volatile pheromone
B. A constitutive secondary metabolite
C. A phytolith
D. An induced secondary metabolite
What is the primary hormone responsible for signalling that a plant is under attack from herbivores?
A. Jasmonic acid
B. Phytochrome
C. Systemin
E. Auxin
Week 14; Wrap Up Quiz
Last summer a bee stung you for the first time. You developed only a small area of redness and swelling at the site.
However, if you are stung again and have a severe reaction that occurs more rapidly, you know that this is due to
the activation of:
A. Tissue macrophages
B. Dendritic cells
C. Neutrophils
D. Memory cells
Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to the production of ________.
A. Erythrocytes that can later secrete antibodies for the antigen
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B. Large numbers of neutrophils
C. Vast numbers of B cells with random antigen-recognition receptors
D. Plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen
Antibodies are ________.
A. Foreign molecules that trigger an immune response
B. Proteins embedded in T-cell membranes
C. Proteins released during an inflammatory response (a.k.a. the innate immune response)
D. Proteins that consist of two light and two heavy polypeptide chains
A student athlete suffered an injury while playing softball and subsequently has pain in her shoulder. Her doctor
prescribes cortisone, a strong anti-inflammatory steroid. When filling the prescription, the pharmacist warns her
that an increased risk of contracting a bacterial infection, such as pneumonia, is associated with the use of
Based on your knowledge of the immune system and on the information in this scenario, what do you conclude
about anti-inflammatory steroids?
A. They interfere with mast cell function.
B. They stimulate bacterial reproduction.
C. They inhibit a part of the nonspecific immune response.
Which of the following is not a constitutive plant defense?
A. Capsaicin
B. Thorns
C. Systematic acquired resistance
D. Phytoliths
Which of the following is not an example of an evolutionary arms race?
A. Herbivores evolve tolerance to increasingly toxic secondary metabolites produced by plants
B. Lead morphology within a species of plant becomes more efficient at gathering light over time
C. Phytolith abundance within plant tissues increases over evolutionary time as the thickness of herbivore
tooth enamel becomes thicker
D. Cactuses on the Galapagos Islands become taller and more tree like in the presence of giant tortoises
Which of the following is the most likely plant response to an attack by herbivores?
A. Leaf abscission to prevent further loss of tissue
B. Early flowering to reproduce before being eaten
C. Production of chemical compounds for defense or to attract predators of the herbivores
D. Production of physical defenses, such as thorns
The transduction pathway that activates systemic acquired resistance in plants is initially signaled by ________.
A. Herbivory
B. Phytochrome production
C. Methyl salicylate
D. Proteinase inhibitors
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