CS 106X Midterm: CS 106 X Fall 2018 Midterm

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Practice midterm exam (based on autumn 2017 cs 106x midterm exam) Honor code: i hereby agree to follow both the letter and the spirit of the stanford honor code. I have not received any assistance on this exam, nor will i give any. The answers i am submitting are my own work. I agree not to talk about the exam contents to anyone until a solution key is posted by the instructor. Write only the code (function, etc. ) specified in the problem statement: unless otherwise specified, you can write helper functions to implement the required behavior. When asked to write a function, do not declare any global variables: do not abbreviate code, such as writing ditto marks () or dot-dot-dot marks (). If you wrote your answer on a back page or attached paper, please label this clearly to the grader: follow the stanford honor code on this exam and correct/report anyone who does not do so.