HTW 121 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trans Fat, Foodborne Illness, Coronary Artery Disease

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Glucose = the main provider of energy for the brain and nervous system. Allows for the passage of food quickly through intestines; helps prevent hemorrhoids and constipation. Mutual supplementation nutritional strategy of combining two incomplete protein sources to provide a complete protein. Eating two proteins together at one meal or over the course of the day to provide all the essential amino acids. Protein amdr . 36 grams per pound of body weight or 10-35% Use safe food practices and store food safely (buy only the amount you need, store/cook properly, wash organic produce) Use the four methods of cleaning, cooking, chilling, and separating foods. Avoid cross contamination and the danger zone where bacteria multiplies rapidly (140 f) Food intoxication food poisoning in which food is contaminated by natural toxins. Food infection food poisoning in which food is contaminated by disease-causing microorganisms/pathogens. Fats essential nutrient composed of fatty acids and used for energy and other body functions.