PSY 2104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Counterfactual Thinking, Fundamental Attribution Error, Availability Heuristic

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Social perception- a general term for the processes by which people come to understand one another. Process by which we come to understand other people. Humans like to learn about others more than ourselves (explains the demand for reality. Mind perception- the process by which people attribute humanlike mental states to various animate and inanimate objects, including other people. Nonverbal behavior- behavior that reveals a person"s feelings without words, through facial expressions, body language, and vocal cues. Have evolutionary purposes; darwin proposed that facial expressions are due to the prehistoric time before there was verbal language. 6 universals include: happy, surprise, sad, disgust, fear, and anger. Attribution theory- a group of theories that describe how people explain the causes of behavior (heider, 1958) The way in which people explain causes of their own and other people"s behavior. Personal attribution- attribution to internal characteristics of an actor, such as ability, personality, mood, or effort.