PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Arnold Gesell, Naturalistic Observation, Phallic Stage

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6: middle childhood- entrance into school or training. 12: adolescence- puberty, ages 12-18, early adulthood- ages 18-40, emerging adulthood- new period for late teens and early. To generate explanations, they rely on theories- set of statements that propose general principles of development. Multiple theories can explain something: predictions allow us to test for accuracy, influence developmental outcomes by using the findings. Such as findings cures or studying more about the problem theory theories- set of statements that propose general principles of development. Parsimony- dictates that a theory should provide the simplest possible (viable) explanation for a phenomenon. Correlation is not causation: experiment- tests causal hypothesis, dependent variable- characteristic or behavior caused by. Iv: independent variable- presumed causal element in an experiment, quasi-experiments- compare groups without assigning the participants randomly. Specific variables that explain cultural differences. (ie does memory decline with age or not: psychoanalytic theory- internal drives and emotions influence.