BIOL 221 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, Ileocecal Valve, Intestinal Villus

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Most electrolytes are actively absorbed throughout the small intestine based on how much of the electrolyte is in the food. Iron and calcium are only absorbed in the duodenum depending on the needs of the body. Iron is actively transported into cells where it becomes bound to ferritin. For each macromolecule group indicate the major enzymes involved in hydrolysis, the major product or products of hydrolysis, and the major mechanism (or mechanisms) by which the nutrient is absorbed. Celiac disease causes the loss of intestinal villi. Segmentation is the major form of movement in the small intestine. Its function is to mix chyme with digestive juices and to bring the nutrients closer to the mucosa so that they can be absorbed. Peristalsis occurs as waves to move chyme through the small intestine. Peristaltic waves are more important as the next meal begins and prepare the small intestine to receive fresh chyme from the stomach.