[GEO 101] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (46 pages long!)

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Science: the human effort to understand (or to better understand) the natural world and how it works. Performed through observation of natural phenomena and/or through experimentation that tries to stimulate natural processes under controlled conditions. Study of the earth, focusing on its composition, behavior, and history including these subsystems: Geochronology age of rocks, fossils, and sediments. Mineralogy structure and properties of minerals. Petrology origin and formation of rocks. Planetary geology geology of celestial bodies. Environmental geology human interaction with environment. Geophysics earth properties and physical principals. Structural geology distribution of rock units. Geology students are the happiest on college campus study finds . Article written by forbes magazine in december 2015. Our role as decision-makers, consumers, and citizens. Geologic time: the span of time since earth"s formation. Provides a frame of reference to describe the age of rocks, fossils, and structures.