PSC 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Comparative Politics

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Psc 203- exam one study guide (terms to know) Chapter one: comparative politics, the study and comparison of domestic politics across countries. Also can be contrasted with related field in political science, international relations. Looks at politics inside countries (elections, political parties, revolutions, and judicial systems: power: the ability to influence or impose ones will on them. Institutions: organizations or activities that are self-perpetuating and valued to their own sake, politics, the struggle in any group for power that will give one or more persons the ability to make decisions for the larger group. This group may range from a small organization to the entire world. Politics occurs wherever there are people and organizations. *politics is the competition for public power, and power is the ability to extend ones will: comparative method, the means by which social scientists make comparisons across cases.