COM 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Positive Tone, Linear Model, Phatic Expression

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Document Summary

Interpersonal comm (quantitative) 2 person, face to face comm, interaction w others. Dichotomous perspective, mass comm as opposite of interpersonal. Mass comm as dyadic comm dyad = a set of 2 people. Also known as dyadic comm a set of 2 people. Why are dyads important 2 person communication. Dyadic primacy tendency for more interpersonal comm interactions across situations and contexts to break down into a series of 2 person exchanges. Large group breaks into pairs and 2 people usually end up speaking. Dyadic coalitions 2 person relationships or partnerships that form between members of a larger group for mutual gain. Dyadic consciousness refers to the development of (cid:862)(cid:449)e(cid:863) thi(cid:374)ki(cid:374)g i(cid:374) a (cid:396)elatio(cid:374)ship (cid:396)elatio(cid:374)ships (cid:271)e(cid:272)o(cid:373)e st(cid:396)o(cid:374)ge(cid:396) Qualitative approach focus on the quality or character. Interpersonal comm (qualitative) comm based on recognition of communicators as unique individuals. Relational comm emphasizes the influence of relationships of comm. Dialectional distinction truly interpersonal comm built up over time.