ARMY 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sapa Inca, Inca Society, Lake Titicaca

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23 Dec 2016

Document Summary

When a new ruler was chosen his subjects would build his family a new royal house. Only descendants of the original inca tribe were ever raised to the level of sapa inca. With each new emperor, the empire expands. The tahuantinsuyu was a federalist system which consisted of a central government with the inca at its head and four provinces: chinchaysuyu , antisuyu , qontisuyu , and. Supervised agriculturally-productive river valleys, cities and mines. Local officials were responsible for settling disputes and keeping track of each family"s. The four provincial governors were called apos. The tukuyrikuq (local leaders), about 90 in total and managed a city and its hinterlands. Four levels of administration hunu kuraqa, waranqa kuraqa, pachaka kuraqa, and contribution. Modernday incan descendants working, weaving, or military skills. Intelligence tested by the local inca officials. Ayllu (extended family group) would teach them one of many trades like farming, gold.